Crimson Glory Roses, is a unique rose renowned for its deep red petals and rich fragrance. This rose is prized not only for its striking beauty but also for its medicinal properties. Crimson Glory Roses is believed to help regulate blood circulation, boost metabolism, and alleviate stress. It is commonly used in herbal teas, wellness drinks, and skincare products. The petals can be brewed into tea, offering a delicate floral aroma and a smooth taste, making it an ideal complement to other teas or herbs.
🌹 Crimson Glory Rose Tea Brewing Instructions
Crimson Glory Rose Tea Brewing Instructions
- 1 large dried Crimson Glory Rose bud
- 300 ml hot water (85-90°C / 185-194°F)
🔄 Rinse the rose bud with warm water.
⏳ Steep in 300 ml hot water for 3-5 minutes.
☕ Enjoy when the tea turns light pink. Add 🍯 honey if desired.
♻️ Re-steep 1-2 more times if you like!